Качествен програмен код - Променливи, изрази, стойности и константи

Качествен програмен код - Променливи, изрази, стойности и константи

Hiqh-quality code - Use of Variables, Data, Expressions and Constants (Bulgarian, 2015)

Нормални форми в базите данни (Database Normalization)

Нормални форми в базите данни (Database Normalization)

Видео урок на тема нормализация и нормални форми в базите данни. 0:59 Първа нормална форма (First normal form) 3:18 Втора нормална форма ...

Качествен програмен код - Коментиране и документиране на кода

Качествен програмен код - Коментиране и документиране на кода

Hiqh-quality code - Code Commenting and Documenting (Bulgarian, 2015)

Качествен програмен код - Именуване

Качествен програмен код - Именуване

Hiqh-quality code - Naming Identifiers (Bulgarian, 2015)

Качествен програмен код - Форматиране на кода

Качествен програмен код - Форматиране на кода

Hiqh-quality code - Code Formatting (Bulgarian, 2015)

SOLID and Other Principles (2015) Bulgarian

SOLID and Other Principles (2015) Bulgarian

Lecture about SOLID and other principles. The video is recorded in 2015 in Bulgarian. * SRP – Single Responsibility Principle * OCP – Open/Closed Principle ...

Dynamic Programming (2015) Bulgarian - Динамично оптимиране

Dynamic Programming (2015) Bulgarian - Динамично оптимиране

Lecture about the dynamic programming technique. The video is recorded in 2015 in Bulgarian. * Minimum and Maximum * Divide and Conquer * Dynamic ...

Graphs and Graph Algorithms (2014) Bulgarian

Graphs and Graph Algorithms (2014) Bulgarian

Lecture about graphs and graph algorithms. The video is recorded in 2014 in Bulgarian. * Graph Definitions and Terminology * Representing Graphs * Graph ...

Combinatorics (2012) Bulgarian

Combinatorics (2012) Bulgarian

Lecture about combinatorics, variations, permutations, combinations. The video is recorded in 2012 in Bulgarian. * Definitions in Combinatorics * Permutations ...

Sorting and Searching Algorithms (2013) Bulgarian

Sorting and Searching Algorithms (2013) Bulgarian

Lecture about sort and search algorithms. The video is recorded in 2013 in Bulgarian. * Sorting * Sorting and classification * Review of the most popular sorting ...

Recursion (2013) Bulgarian

Recursion (2013) Bulgarian

Lecture about recursion and recurrent algorithms. The video is recorded in 2013 in Bulgarian. * What is Recursion? * Calculating Factorial Recursively ...

Data Structures Efficiency (2013) (Bulgarian)

Data Structures Efficiency (2013) (Bulgarian)

Operations complexity comparison for some of the most popular data structures in C#. The video is recorded in 2013 in Bulgarian. * Fundamental data structures ...