Generate PDF file from Razor view using ASP.NET Core and PhantomJS

We are going to separate the task into 3 sub-tasks:

  1. Get the HTML contents from the razor view using IRazorViewEngine
  2. Create HTML page and generate PDF file from it using PhantomJS
  3. Return the PDF file contents to the user

These steps and the provided code are tested in ASP.NET Core 2.0 application deployed in Microsoft Azure.

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Video: What's new in C# 6.0 and C# 7.0 (in Bulgarian)

A lecture of mine presented in Bulgarian on 9th of May 2017 in Software University.

The lecrure covers the new features of the C# programming language such as: Roslyn – The .NET Compiler Platform, Auto-property Enhancements, Expression Bodied Function Members, Using Static, nameof Operator, String Interpolation, Exception Filters, Null-conditional Operators (?.), Dictionary Initializer, Await in catch/finally Blocks, More Expression-bodied Members, Number Literals Improvements, Local Functions, ref Returns and Locals, Out Variables, Pattern Matching, Throw Expressions, Tuples and Deconstruction.

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Me in "30 under 30" of Forbes Bulgaria!

Forbes Bulgaria selected me in their third annual "30 under 30" list (in category "education") thanks to my team and students in Telerik Academy.

Happy Revival Leaders' Day!

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Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT)

Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT)

I am thrilled to announce that I have been a Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT) since 2014, and I have held this prestigious award for the past 9 years! The MCT award recognizes individuals who have demonstrated a deep commitment to training and teaching Microsoft technologies, and it is a testament to my expertise and experience.

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Въпросите от теста на Националната олимпиада по ИТ (5-8 клас)

Въпросите от теста на Националната олимпиада по ИТ (5-8 клас)

Преди 2-3 седмици (10-11 май 2014) посетих Националната олимпиада по информационни технологии в Монтана и имах възможността да разгледам голяма част от проектите на учениците. Имаше много добри идеи и доста добри реализации. Не бях посещавал олимпиадата откакто за последно участвах преди 4-5 години (бях 12 клас). Усещането беше доста странно. Припомних си Монтана - малък, но красив град.

Сега по същество :) Резултатите и наградените проекти можете да разгледате на сайта на олимпиадата: Успяхме да снимаме теста и в този пост ви представям въпросите от теста на малката възрастова група (5-8 клас), както и техните верни отговори (удебелени).

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