Video: Arrays in JavaScript (Bulgarian)

Video lecture about arrays in JavaScript.

The video is recorded in 2014 in a training I was delivering in Telerik Academy.

In this comprehensive lecture on Arrays in JavaScript, we delve into multiple facets of this essential data structure, starting with the fundamentals of declaring and creating arrays using either the Array() constructor or array literals. We then transition into how to access individual array elements through their index. The lecture also discusses the concept of dynamic arrays and how they can be resized and restructured on-the-fly in JavaScript. Finally, we explore various operations that can be performed on arrays, such as concatenation to join arrays, slicing to extract segments, and manipulation techniques like adding, removing, or altering elements. This lecture aims to equip you with a robust understanding of arrays to enhance your JavaScript programming skills.

Topics covered:

  • Declaring and Creating Arrays
  • Accessing Array Elements
  • Processing Array Elements
  • Dynamic Arrays
  • Operations with arrays:
    • Concatenation
    • Slicing
    • Manipulation

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Video: Loops in JavaScript (Bulgarian)

Video lecture about loops in JavaScript.

The video is recorded in 2014 in a training I was delivering in Telerik Academy.

Loops are programming constructs that execute a block of code multiple times based on a specific condition or set of conditions. In JavaScript, there are several types of loops, including the 'while' loop that executes code as long as a condition is true, and the 'do … while' loop which ensures the code runs at least once before checking the condition. The 'for' loop provides a concise way to iterate through a sequence, specifying initialization, condition, and afterthought (like incrementing). Additionally, there are special operators such as 'break', which immediately exits the loop, and 'continue', which skips the rest of the current iteration and proceeds to the next one. Nested loops occur when a loop is placed inside another loop, allowing for complex iteration patterns.

Topics covered:

  • What is a Loop?
  • Loops in JavaScript
    • while loops
    • dowhile loops
    • for loops
  • Special loop operators
    • break, continue
  • Nested loops

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Video: Operators and Expressions in JavaScript (Bulgarian)

Video lecture about operators and expressions in JavaScript.

The video is recorded in 2015 in a training I was delivering in Telerik Academy.

This lecture provides a comprehensive examination of JavaScript operators, encompassing arithmetic, logical, bitwise, comparison, and assignment operators, each with their unique functions in data manipulation and logical flow control. We also touche on operator precedence, explaining how the language interprets multiple operations in an expression. Additionally, we discuss "other operators" like the ternary and typeof operators, culminating with an exploration of expressions in JavaScript—combinations of values and operators that can be evaluated into a single value, contributing to more effective and efficient code.

Topics covered:

  • Operators in JavaScript
  • Arithmetic Operators
  • Logical Operators
  • Bitwise Operators
  • Comparison Operators
  • Assignment Operators
  • Other Operators
  • Operator Precedence
  • Expressions

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Video: JavaScript Tools (Bulgarian)

Video lecture about the tools for JavaScript development.

The video is recorded in 2014 in a training I was delivering in Telerik Academy.

This comprehensive lecture focuses on an array of essential tools for JavaScript development. It begins with a walkthrough of integrated development environments like Visual Studio 2013 and Notepad++, followed by a deep dive into the capabilities of Sublime Text 2 along with its useful plugins. The session then transitions into a robust exploration of various debugging tools, detailing the distinctive features of Google Chrome / Opera Developer Tools, Firefox Firebug, and Internet Explorer F12. By the end of the lecture, attendees will have gained substantial knowledge of these crucial tools that aid in efficient and effective JavaScript development.

Topics covered:

  • JavaScript Development Tools
    • Visual Studio 2013
    • Sublime Text 2 with plugins
    • Notepad++
  • Debugging tools
    • Google Chrome / Opera Developer Tools
    • Firefox Firebug
    • Internet Explorer F12
  • Utilities

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Video: Introduction to JavaScript (Bulgarian)

Video lecture about introduction to JavaScript.

The video is recorded in 2014 in a training I was delivering in Telerik Academy.

Dynamic HTML (DHTML) is a combination of web technologies used to create interactive and animated web pages that can respond to user actions without requiring a page reload. To create DHTML, you need to have a good understanding of HTML, XHTML, CSS, JavaScript, and the Document Object Model (DOM). JavaScript is a programming language used to create interactive effects and dynamic content in web pages. It has a simple syntax and can be embedded in HTML pages. Pop-up boxes are a common JavaScript feature used to display messages or alerts to users. Debugging is an essential process in JavaScript development to find and fix errors in the code. Overall, these topics are essential for web developers to create engaging and dynamic web pages using JavaScript and related technologies.

Topics covered:

  • Dynamic HTML
  • How to Create DHTML?
    • XHTML, CSS, JavaScript, DOM
  • Intro to JavaScript
    • JavaScript in Web Pages
  • JavaScript Syntax
  • Pop-up boxes
  • Debugging in JavaScript

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