- May 07, 2021
- Nikolay Kostov (Nikolay.IT)
Topics covered:
- Testing pyramid?
- What is Unit Testing?
- Code and Test vs. Test Driven Development
- Unit testing Frameworks
- Visual Studio Team Test
- Nunit
- Gallio
- Unit Testing Best Practices
Video (in Bulgarian)
Presentation Content
What is Unit Testing?
A unit test is a piece of code written by a developer that exercises a very small, specific area of functionality of the code being tested.
“Program testing can be used to show the presence of bugs, but never to show their absence!”
Edsger Dijkstra, [1972]
Manual Testing
- You have already done unit testing
- Manual tests are less efficient
- Not structured
- Not repeatable
- Not on all your code
- Not easy to do as it should be
Unit Test - Example
int Sum(int[] array)
int sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
sum += array[i];
return sum;
void Sum_Should()
if (Sum(new int[]{ 1, 2 }) != 3)
throw new TestFailedException("1+2 != 3");
if (Sum(new int[]{ -2 }) != -2)
throw new TestFailedException("-2 != -2");
if (Sum(new int[]{ }) != 0)
throw new TestFailedException("0 != 0");
Unit Testing - Some Facts
- Tests are specific pieces of code
- In most cases unit tests are written by developers, not by QA engineers
- Unit tests are released into the code repository (TFS / SVN / Git) along with the code they test
- Unit testing framework is needed
- Visual Studio Team Test (VSTT)
- NUnit, MbUnit, Gallio, etc.
Unit Testing - More Facts
- All classes should be tested
- All methods should be tested
- Trivial code may be omitted
- E.g. property getters and setters
- Private methods can be omitted
- Some gurus recommend to never test private methods → this can be debatable
- Ideally all unit tests should pass before check-in into the source control repository
Why Unit Tests?
- Dramatically decreased number of defects in the code
- Improved design
- Good documentation
- Reduced cost of change
- Easier, more efficient refactoring
- Decreased defect-injection rate due to refactoring / changes
Properties of good unit test
- It should be automated and repeatable.
- It should be easy to implement.
- It should be relevant tomorrow.
- Anyone should be able to run it at the push of a button.
- It should run quickly.
Properties of good unit test
- It should be consistent in its results (it always returns the same result if you don’t change anything between runs).
- It should have full control of the unit under test.
- It should be fully isolated (runs independently of other tests).
- When it fails, it should be easy to detect what was expected and determine how to pinpoint the problem.
Unit Testing Frameworks
- JUnit
- The first popular unit testing framework
- Based on Java, written by Kent Beck & Co.
- Similar frameworks have been developed for a broad range of computer languages
- NUnit - for C# and all .NET languages
- cppUnit, jsUnit, PhpUnit, PerlUnit, …
- Visual Studio Team Test (VSTT)
- Developed by Microsoft, integrated in VS
Visual Studio Team Test - Features
- Team Test (VSTT) is very well integrated with Visual Studio
- Create test projects and unit tests
- Execute unit tests
- View execution results
- View code coverage
- Located in the assembly Microsoft.VisualStudio. QualityTools.UnitTestFramework.dll
Visual Studio Team Test - Attributes
- Test code is annotated using custom attributes:
- denotes a class holding unit tests
- denotes a unit test method
- test causes an exception
- sets a timeout for test execution
- temporary ignored test case
, [ClassCleanup]
- setup / cleanup logic for the testing class
, [TestCleanup]
- setup / cleanup logic for each test case
- Predicate is a
/ false
- Assertion is a predicate placed in a program code (check for some condition)
- Developers expect the predicate is always true at that place
- If an assertion fails, the method call does not return and an error is reported
- Example of VSTT assertion:
Assert.AreEqual(expectedValue, actualValue, "Error message.");
VSTT - Assertions
- Assertions check a condition
- Throw exception if the condition is not satisfied
- Comparing values for equality
Assert.AreEqual(expected_value, actual_value [,message])
- Comparing objects (by reference)
Assert.AreSame(expected_object, actual_object [,message])
Assert.IsNull(object [,message])
Assert.IsNotNull(object [,message])
The 3A Pattern
- Arrange all necessary preconditions and inputs
- Act on the object or method under test
- Assert that the expected results have occurred
public void TestDeposit()
BankAccount account = new BankAccount();
Assert.AreEqual(150.0, account.Balance,
"Balance is wrong.");
Code Coverage
- Code coverage
- Shows what percent of the code we’ve covered
- High code coverage means less untested code
- We may have pointless unit tests that are calculated in the code coverage
- 70-80% coverage is excellent
VSTT - Example
public class Account
private decimal balance;
public void Deposit(decimal amount)
this.balance += amount;
public void Withdraw(decimal amount)
this.balance -= amount;
public void TransferFunds(
Account destination, decimal amount) { … }
public decimal Balance { … }
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;
public class AccountTest
public void TransferFunds()
Account source = new Account();
Account dest = new Account();
source.TransferFunds(dest, 100.00M);
Assert.AreEqual(250.00M, dest.Balance);
Assert.AreEqual(100.00M, source.Balance);
- Test code is annotated using custom attributes
- Test code contains assertions
- Tests organized as multiple assemblies
- NUnit provides:
- Creating and running tests as NUnit Test Projects
- Visual Studio support
- Two execution interfaces
- GUI - nunit-gui.exe
- Console - nunit-console.exe
NUnit - Example: Test
using NUnit.Framework;
public class AccountTest
public void TransferFunds()
Account source = new Account();
Account dest = new Account();
source.TransferFunds(dest, 100.00F);
Assert.AreEqual(250.00F, dest.Balance);
Assert.AreEqual(100.00F, source.Balance);
Naming Standards for Unit Tests
- The test name should express a specific requirement that is tested
- Usually prefixed with
- E.g.
- The test name should include
- Expected input or state
- Expected result output or state
- Name of the tested method or class
Naming Standards for Unit Tests - Example
with requirement to ignore numbers greater than 100 in the summing process
- The test name could be:
When Should a Test be Changed or Removed?
- Generally, a passing test should never be removed
- These tests make sure that code changes don’t break working code
- A passing test should only be changed to make it more readable
- When failing tests don’t pass, it usually means there are conflicting requirements
[ExpectedException(typeof), "Negatives not allowed")]
void Sum_FirstNegativeNumberThrowsException()
Sum(-1, 1, 2);
When Should a Test be Changed or Removed?
- New features allow negative numbers
- New developer writes the following test:
- Earlier test fails due to a requirement change
- Two course of actions:
- Delete the failing test after verifying it is invalid
- Change the old test:
- Either testing the new requirement
- Or test the older requirement under new settings
Tests Should Reflect Required Reality
- Consider the following method:
int Sum(int a, int b) -> return sum of a and b
- What’s wrong with the following test?
public void Sum_AddsOneAndTwo()
int result = Sum(1, 2);
Assert.AreEqual(4, result, "Bad sum");
- A failing test should prove that there is something wrong with the production code, not with the unit test code
Assert Messages
- Assert message in a test could be one of the most important things
- Tells us what we expected to happen but didn’t, and what happened instead
- Good assert message helps us track bugs and understand unit tests more easily
- Example:
- <span style=“color: lightblue”>“Withdrawal failed: accounts are not supposed to have negative balance.”</span>
- Express what should have happened and what did not happen
- <span style=“color: lightblue”>"<b>Verify()</b> did not throw any exception"</span>
- <span style=“color: lightblue”>"<b>Connect()</b> did not open the connection before returning it"</span>
- Do not:
- Provide empty or meaningless messages
- Provide messages that repeat the name of the test case
Avoid Multiple Asserts in a Single Test
void Sum_AnyParamBiggerThan100IsNotSummed()
Assert.AreEqual(3, Sum(1001, 1, 2));
Assert.AreEqual(3, Sum(1, 1001, 2));
Assert.AreEqual(3, Sum(1, 2, 1001));
- Avoid multiple asserts in a single test case
- If the first assert fails, the test execution stops for this test case
- Affect future coders to add assertions to test rather than introducing a new one
Unit Testing - The Challenge
- The concept of unit testing has been around the developer community for many years
- New methodologies in particular Scrum and XP, have turned unit testing into a cardinal foundation of software development
- Writing good & effective unit tests is hard!
- This is where supporting integrated tools and suggested guidelines enter the picture
- The ultimate goal is tools that generate unit tests automatically