Topics covered:

  • The Concept of Self-Documenting Code
  • Bad Comments
  • Good Programming Style
  • To Comment or not to Comment?
  • Key Points commenting
  • Recommended Practices
  • C# XML Documentation Comments

Video (in Bulgarian)

Presentation Content

What is Project Documentation?

  • Consists of documents and information
    • Both inside the source-code and outside
  • External documentation
    • At a higher level compared to the code
    • Problem definition, requirements, architecture, design, project plans, test plans. etc.
  • Internal documentation
    • Lower-level – explains a class,method or a piece of code

Programming Style

  • Main contributor to code-level documentation
    • The program structure
    • Straight-forward, easy-to-read and easily understandable code
    • Good naming approach
    • Clear layout and formatting
    • Clear abstractions
    • Minimized complexity
    • Loose coupling and strong cohesion

Bad Comments – Example

public static List<int> FindPrimes(int start, int end)
    // Create new list of integers
    List<int> primesList = new List<int>();
    // Perform a loop from start to end
    for (int num = start; num <= end; num++)
        // Declare boolean variable, initially true
        bool prime = true;
        // Perform loop from 2 to sqrt(num)
        for (int div = 2; div <= Math.Sqrt(num); div++)
            // Check if div divides num with no remainder
            if (num % div == 0)
                // We found a divider -> the number is not prime
                prime = false;
                // Exit from the loop
            // Continue with the next loop value

  // Check if the number is prime
  if (prime)
      // Add the number to the list of primes

// Return the list of primes
return primesList;

Self-Documenting Code – Example

public static List<int> FindPrimes(int start, int end)
  List<int> primesList = new List<int>();
  for (int num = start; num <= end; num++)
    bool isPrime = IsPrime(num);
    if (isPrime)
  return primesList;

Good code does not need comments. It is self-explaining.

private static bool IsPrime(int num)
  bool isPrime = true;
  int maxDivider = Math.Sqrt(num);
  for (int div = 2; div <= maxDivider; div++)
    if (num % div == 0)
      // We found a divider -> the number is not prime
      isPrime = false;
  return isPrime;

Good methods have good name and are easy to read and understand.
This comment explain non-obvious details. It does not repeat the code.

Bad Programming Style – Example

for (i = 1; i <= num; i++)
    meetsCriteria[i] = true;
for (i = 2; i <= num / 2; i++)
    j = i + i;
while (j <= num)
        meetsCriteria[j] = false;
        j = j + i;
for (i = 1; i <= num; i++)
    if (meetsCriteria[i])
        Console.WriteLine(i + " meets criteria.");

Uninformative variable names. Crude layout.

Good Programming Style – Example

for (primeCandidate = 1; primeCandidate <= num; primeCandidate++)
    isPrime[primeCandidate] = true;

for (int factor = 2; factor < (num / 2); factor++)
    int factorableNumber = factor + factor;
    while (factorableNumber <= num)
        isPrime[factorableNumber] = false;
        factorableNumber = factorableNumber + factor;

for (primeCandidate = 1; primeCandidate <= num; primeCandidate++)
    if (isPrime[primeCandidate])
        Console.WriteLine(primeCandidate + " is prime.");

Self-Documenting Code

  • Code that relies on good programming style
    • To carry major part of the information intended for the documentation
  • Self-documenting code fundamental principles
The best documentation is the code itself.
Make the code self-explainable and self-documenting, easy to read and understand.
Do not document bad code, rewrite it!

Self-Documenting Code Checklist

  • Classes
    • Does the class’s interface present a consistent abstraction?
    • Does the class’s interface make obvious how you should use the class?
    • Is the class well named, and does its name describe its purpose?
    • Can you treat the class as a black box?
    • Do you reuse instead of repeating code?
  • Methods
    • Does each routine’s name describe exactly what the method does?
    • Does each method perform one well-defined task with minimal dependencies?
  • Data Names
    • Are type names descriptive enough to help document data declarations?
    • Are variables used only for the purpose for which they’re named?
  • Data Names
    • Does naming conventions distinguish among type names, enumerated types, named constants, local variables, class variables, and global variables?
  • Others
    • Are data types simple so that they minimize complexity?
    • Are related statements grouped together?

Effective Comments

  • Effective comments do not repeat the code
    • They explain it at a higher level and reveal non-obvious details
  • The best software documentation is the source code itself – keep it clean and readable!
  • Self-documenting code is self-explainable and does not need comments
    • Simple design, small well named methods, strong cohesion and loose coupling, simple logic, good variable names, good formatting, …

Effective Comments – Mistakes

  • Misleading comments
// write out the sums 1..n for all n from 1 to num   
current = 1;
previous = 0;
sum = 1;   
for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
   Console.WriteLine( "Sum = " + sum );   
   sum = current + previous;   
   previous = current;   
   current = sum;

What problem does this algorithm solve?
Can you guess that sum is equal to the ith Fibonacci number?

  • Comments repeating the code:
// set product to "base"
product = base;

// loop from 2 to "num"
for ( int i = 2; i <= num; i++ )
   // multiply "base" by "product"  
   product = product * base;
Console.WriteLine( "Product = " + product );
  • Poor coding style:
// compute the square root of Num using
// the Newton-Raphson approximation
r = num / 2;
while (abs(r - (num/r)) > TOLERANCE)
   r = 0.5 * (r + (num/r) );
Console.WriteLine( "r = " + r );
  • Do not comment bad code, rewrite it

Key Points for Effective Comments

  • Use commenting styles that don’t break down or discourage modification
//  Variable            Meaning
//  --------            -------
//  xPos .............. X coordinate position (in meters)
//  yPos .............. Y coordinate position (in meters)
//  zPos .............. Z coordinate position (in meters)
//  radius ............ The radius of the sphere where the
                        battle ship is located (in meters)
//  distance .......... The distance from the start position
                        (in meters)
  • The above comments are unmaintainable
  • Comment the code intent, not implementation details
// Scan char by char to find the command-word terminator ($)
done = false;
maxLen = inputString.Length;
i = 0;
while (!done && (i < maxLen))
  if (inputString[i] == '$')
    done = true;
  • Focus your documentation efforts on the code
// Find the command-word terminator
foundTheTerminator = false;
maxCommandLength = inputString.Length();
testCharPosition = 0;
while (!foundTheTerminator &&
    (testCharPosition < maxCommandLength))
  if (inputString[testCharPosition] == COMMAND_WORD_TERMINATOR)
    foundTheTerminator = true;
    terminatorPosition = testCharPosition;
    testCharPosition = testCharPosition + 1;

Better code → less comments

  • Focus paragraph comments on the why rather than the how
// Establish a new account
if (accountType == AccountType.NewAccount)
  • Use comments to prepare the reader for what is to follow
  • Avoid abbreviations
  • Comment anything that gets around an error or an undocumented feature
    • E.g. // This is workaround for bug #3712
  • Justify violations of good programming style
  • Don’t comment tricky code – rewrite it
  • Use built-in features for commenting
    • XML comments in C#
    • JavaDoc in Java, …

General Guidelines for Higher Level Documentation

  • Describe the design approach to the class
  • Describe limitations, usage assumptions, and so on
  • Comment the class interface (public methods / properties / events / constructors)
  • Don’t document implementation details in the class interface
  • Describe the purpose and contents of each file
  • Give the file a name related to its contents

C# XML Documentation

  • In C# you can document the code by XML tags in special comments
    • Directly in the source code
  • For example:
/// <summary>
/// This class performs an important function.
/// </summary>
public class MyClass { }
  • The XML doc comments are not metadata
    • Not included in the compiled assembly and not accessible through reflection

XML Documentation Tags

  • <summary>
    • A summary of the class / method / object
  • <param>
    <param name="name">description</param>
    • Describes one of the parameters for a method
  • <returns>
    • A description of the returned value
  • <remarks>
    • Additional information (remarks)
  • <c> and <code>
    • Gives you a way to indicate code
  • <see> and <seealso> and cref
    • Code reference <seealso cref="TestClass.Main"/>
  • <exception>
    <exception cref="type">description</exception>
    • Lets you specify which exceptions can be thrown
  • All tags:

XML Documentation Example

/// <summary>
/// The GetZero method. Always returns zero.
/// </summary>
/// <example>  
/// This sample shows how to call the <see cref="GetZero"/> method.
/// <code>
/// class TestClass  
/// {
///     static int Main()  
///     {
///         return GetZero();
///     }
/// }
/// </code>
/// </example>
public static int GetZero()
    return 0;

C# XML Documentation

  • Visual Studio will use the XML documentation for autocomplete
    • Automatically, just use XML docs
  • Compiling the XML documentation:
    • Compile with /doc the to extract the XML doc into an external XML file
    • Use Sandcastle or other tool to generate CHM / PDF / HTML / other MSDN-style documentation