A data structure (container) that contains a sequence of elements
Can have variable size
Elements are arranged linearly, in sequence
Can be implemented in several ways
Statically (using array → fixed size)
Dynamically (linked implementation)
Using resizable array (the List<T> class)
Static List
Implemented by an array
Provides direct access by index
Has fixed capacity
Insertion, deletion and resizing are slow operations
Linked List
Dynamic (pointer-based) implementation
Different forms
Singly-linked and doubly-linked
Sorted and unsorted
Singly-linked list
Each item has 2 fields: value and next
Doubly-linked List
Each item has 3 fields: value, next and prev
The List<T> Class
Implements the abstract data structure list using an array
All elements are of the same type T
T can be any type, e.g. List<int>, List<string>, List<DateTime>
Size is dynamically increased as needed
Basic functionality:
Count – returns the number of elements
Add(T) – appends given element at the end
List<T> – Simple Example
List<string> list = new List<string>() { "C#", "Java" }; list.Add("SQL"); list.Add("Python"); foreach (string item in list) { Console.WriteLine(item); } // Result:// C#// Java// SQL// Python
List<T> – Functionality
list[index] – access element by index
Insert(index, T) – inserts given element to the list at a specified position
Remove(T) – removes the first occurrence of given element
RemoveAt(index) – removes the element at the specified position
Clear() – removes all elements
Contains(T) – determines whether an element is part of the list
IndexOf() – returns the index of the first occurrence of a value in the list (zero-based)
Reverse() – reverses the order of the elements in the list or a portion of it
Sort() – sorts the elements in the list or a portion of it
ToArray() – converts the elements of the list to an array
TrimExcess() – sets the capacity to the actual number of elements
List<T>: How It Works?
List<T> keeps a buffer memory, allocated in advance, to allow fast Add(T)
Most operations use the buffer memory and do not allocate new objects
Occasionally the capacity grows (doubles)
Primes in an Interval – Example
static List<int> FindPrimes(int start, int end) { List<int> primesList = new List<int>(); for (int num = start; num <= end; num++) { bool prime = true; for (int div = 2; div <= Math.Sqrt(num); div++) { if (num % div == 0) { prime = false; break; } } if (prime) { primesList.Add(num); } } return primesList; }
Union and Intersection – Example
int[] Union(int[] firstArr, int[] secondArr) { List<int> union = new List<int>(); union.AddRange(firstArray); foreach (int item in secondArray) if (! union.Contains(item)) union.Add(item); return union.ToArray(); } int[] Intersection(int[] firstArr, int[] secondArr) { List<int> intersect = new List<int>(); foreach (int item in firstArray) if (Array.IndexOf(secondArray, item) != -1) intersect.Add(item); return intersect.ToArray(); }
The LinkedList<T> Class
Implements the abstract data structure list using a doubly-linked dynamic structure
All elements are of the same type T
T can be any type, e.g. LinkedList<int>, LinkedList<string>, etc.
LinkedList<string> list = new LinkedList<string>(); list.AddFirst("First"); list.AddLast("Last"); list.AddAfter(list.First, "After First"); list.AddBefore(list.Last, "Before Last"); Console.WriteLine(String.Join(", ", list)); // Result: First, After First, Before Last, Last }
Sorting Lists
List<DateTime> list = new List<DateTime>() { new DateTime(2013, 4, 7), new DateTime(2002, 3, 12), new DateTime(2012, 1, 4), new DateTime(1980, 11, 11) }; list.Sort(); list.Sort((d1, d2) => -d1.Year.CompareTo(d2.Year)); list.OrderBy(date => date.Month)));
The Stack ADT
LIFO (Last In First Out) structure
Elements inserted (push) at “top”
Elements removed (pop) from “top”
Useful in many situations
E.g. the execution stack of the program
Can be implemented in several ways
Statically (using array)
Dynamically (linked implementation)
Using the Stack<T> class
Static Stack
Static (array-based) implementation
Has limited (fixed) capacity
The current index (top) moves left / right with each pop / push
Linked Stack
Dynamic (pointer-based) implementation
Each item has 2 fields: value and next
Special pointer keeps the top element
The Stack<T> Class
Implements the stack data structure using an array
Elements are from the same type T
T can be any type, e.g. Queue<int>
Size is dynamically increased as needed
Basic functionality:
Push(T) – inserts elements to the stack
Pop() – removes and returns the top element from the stack
Basic functionality:
Peek() – returns the top element of the stack without removing it
Count – returns the number of elements
Clear() – removes all elements
Contains(T) – determines whether given element is in the stack
ToArray() – converts the stack to an array
TrimExcess() – sets the capacity to the actual number of elements
int n = 3, p = 16; Queue<int> queue = new Queue<int>(); queue.Enqueue(n); int index = 0; while (queue.Count > 0) { int current = queue.Dequeue(); index++; if (current == p) { Console.WriteLine("Index = {0}", index); return; } queue.Enqueue(current+1); queue.Enqueue(2*current); }
List Interfaces in .NET
IEnumerable, IEnumerable<T>
GetEnumerator() → Current, MoveNext()
ICollection, ICollection<T>
Inherits from IEnumerable<T>
Count, Add(…), Remove(…), Contains(…)
IList, IList<T>
Inherits from ICollection<T>
Item / indexer [], Insert(…), RemoveAt(…)
The basic linear data structures in the computer programming are:
List (static, linked)
Implemented by the List<T> and LinkedList<T> classes in .NET